Meet the Action Lab fellows!



Today, the Office of Scholarship and Innovation announced that Mark Wiederspan and Jeongeun Kim were awarded the inaugural Action Lab Fellowship.

The Action Lab Faculty Fellow Program was established by Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation and ASU EdPlus Action Lab in 2017 to engage in deep learning analytics of one or more research questions related to for-credit online learning offerings at ASU. The overall goals of the program are to pursue provocative ways of thinking about online learning using experimentation and analysis that has the potential to be scaled, provide a rich data environment in which to enrich research work, provide valuable near-real-time student performance and/or course evaluation data to drive program improvement, and create opportunities in which faculty could successfully seek additional funding through external grants.

In collaboration with ALAB, Wiederspan and Kim will be examining how online students respond to being placed on academic probation, and whether an academic success course increases student learning and retention.