Can you believe we’re nearly halfway through the Fall 2018 semester already? Last week, #OofSI’s Design Initiatives team hosted a group of MLFC staff on the Polytechnic Campus for a workshop around the design process. This workshop included a few success stories from last year’s teams. Shout out to Rachel Hayes and Raquel Fong for sharing out on their teams’ prototypes!
After the updates, we followed up with a design sprint activity around a common challenge facing our staff… How might we reimagine how we appreciate people at MLFC? The design process can be tough to figure out, so we wanted to make sure that workshop attendees had the opportunity to go through a design sprint to better familiarize themselves with the process itself. We’re trying to make sure that we establish a common vocabulary and process for this work. What emerged from the design sprint were incredible ideas around employee appreciation, student appreciation, ensuring longevity, and focusing on how we can be the catalyst for starting a movement at MLFC.
The workshop transitioned into a brainstorming session around what challenges we face in our own teams/our work at MLFC. Attendees shared ideas about what types of challenges they face and then identified which ones might really benefit from this year’s Cross-Staff Design work. We won’t share those challenges/opportunities for change quite yet, but we are very excited about what’s to come.
In the spirit of appreciation, I want to thank you for reading and a special thanks to each person that attended our workshop last week. We look forward to seeing you at the next one on Friday, 11.02. Location is TBD.