2018 was a year of excellence for Education Policy Analysis Archives (EPAA/AAPE), the multilingual, peer-reviewed scholarly journal of education policy, published by the MLFC. Below are some of the highlights of the year, presented as a reaffirmation the values of the EPAA/AAPE editorial team and our ongoing commitment to rigorous, relevant, and inclusive scholarship on education policy.
WE VALUE OPEN ACCESS. In 2018, we published 168 peer-reviewed articles, including 81 stand alone articles, 5 commentaries, 8 special issues with 82 contributions, and 10 video commentaries, all at no cost to readers of authors.
WE VALUE COLLABORATION. In 2018, 21 editors from 8 countries and over 350 peer reviewers work with 271 authors to bring their education policy scholarship to over 8,200 readers in three languages: English, Portuguese, and Spanish.
WE VALUE INNOVATION. Publishing cutting-edge work is our specialty, from special issues on education policy in a post-truth era and the policy implication of educational technology to groundbreaking articles on exclusion and segregation in schools and the privatization and marketization of education worldwide.
WE VALUE IMPACT. In 2018, EPAA/AAPE was #3 in the education policy category and the highest ranked OA education policy journal, according to Google Scholar. EPAA/AAPE articles have received more than 7,000 citations since 2012.
WE VALUE YOUR SUPPORT. Thank you for your role in EPAA/AAPE’s success. If you have not published with us yet, consider submitting a manuscript or special issue topic in 2019. Visit us at https://epaa.asu.edu/