We are pleased to share that Current Issues in Education has resumed publication. Current Issues in Education (CIE) is an open access, peer-reviewed academic education journal produced by doctoral students at Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation. In the fall of 2019 Drs. Leigh Graves Wolf and Joesphine Marsh were appointed as faculty advisors to the journal and Education Policy and Evaluation graduate student Neelakshi Tewari took on the role of editor. While the journal was on hiatus, a backlog of manuscripts had accumulated and to address this challenge an innovative “review-a-thon” was sponsored by the Office of Innovation and Scholarship. The review-a-thon consisted of a call for reviewers that was sent to all graduate students, faculty, and staff. Over 30 reviewers volunteered their time and expertise to the task. Papers were sent out for anonymous review and one week later the review-a-thon was held virtually and on the Tempe campus in the OofSI offices. In all, 57 manuscripts were carefully reviewed and returned within this one week window. The format worked so well that the editorial team has decided to use the review-a-thon structure for all future review periods to ensure timely and regular publications.
Once manuscripts were selected, Scholarly Communications Publication Manager Dr. Stephanie McBride-Schreiner was instrumental in assisting with the publication of the issue. Stephanie will be assisting on-boarding the new student editorial team, which will be in place starting Fall 2020.
In early spring, a call went out to all graduate students to apply for the positions of Lead & Section Editors. The position of Lead Editor is an assistantship position supported by the college. The funded support ensures a stable and sustainable student-led editorial board. We are pleased to introduce the 2020-2021 CIE graduate student editorial team :
Lead Editor – Marina Basu, Learning, Literacies and Technologies
Consulting Lead Editor – Neelakshi Tewari, Educational Policy & Evaluation
Section Editors
Ivonne Lujano Vilchis , Educational Policy and Evaluation
Renee Bhatti-Klug, Leadership & Innovation
Ananí Vasquez, Learning, Literacies and Technologies
You can read Issue 21.1 by visiting http://cie.asu.edu/