I’m very excited to announce that this week, we’ve launched our very first podcast, Slice of PI, wherever podcasts are consumed! Hannah Jennewein and I will be sharing examples of how the work being done in the Teachers College exemplifies Principled Innovation. There’s so much good happening in the college, even in the midst of adverse and uncertain times, and I think that now more than ever it’s important to recognize the work people are doing and the positive impact it has on others.
Episode 1 follows the Student Success Team–the needs that precipitated their formation, the formation of their team, and their role within the Teachers College. After sharing a prototype of this episode for a group of people, we received a lot of helpful feedback on ways it could be improved. Namely, our story told all of the good parts of improving things in the college, but didn’t touch enough on the challenges people faced in completely changing the way they worked.
So we went back to the drawing board, incorporated more voices from the college, and decided to make an additional episode about the team to better understand the less shiny and more honest side of the story. (Part 2 of their story will be released in episode 2.) We hope that this will make our work more transparent for others, and that the podcast will aid in understanding Principled Innovation in practice.
Creating something like this takes a lot of effort and collaboration, and it’s so exciting to see that hard work published for the world to see. (Somewhere in the world, there’s a really good episode of a podcast that Punya recommended to me, and in the first few minutes the host talks about all of the work that goes into the creation of a podcast episode. I’d love to link it here, but I can’t remember which podcast it’s from, and Punya doesn’t remember recommending it to me, so we’re at an impasse. I digress–let’s just say there’s a lot that goes into creating a podcast. [Asking for a friend, if you know the podcast episode I’m talking about could you send me a link to it? Thanks.])
It has been so much fun to work on, and I can’t wait to see where we are a few months from now. So without further ado, sit back, put your headphones in, and enjoy Slice of PI.
Maybe even with a slice of pie.
If you have an idea for a podcast episode, or want to reach out regarding Slice of PI, drop us a line at podcast.mlftc@asu.edu. We’d love to hear from you!