The future of learning if we question human exceptionalism
This video is a recording from the Anticipation 2022 conference presentation featuring Simon Brown, Katina Michael, Punya Mishra, Shiv Ramdas and Iveta Silova.
Project Springboard: leading innovation and change in education systems with Christina Kishimoto and Pasi Sahlberg
Finnish educator, researcher and policymaker Pasi Sahlberg and Hawaii’s state superintendent for education Christina Kishimoto share their experiences on leading and sustaining education systems change and innovation in their communities and offer advice for educators and education leaders.
Project Springboard: leading change in education systems with Michelle Reid
Michelle Reid, Superintendent of Northshore School District in Washington and 2021 Superintendent of the Year, explains her approach to leading systems change in her district and schools, with a focus on creating a more equitable system that serves the needs of all learners.
Project Springboard: clarifying priorities in a Portrait of a Graduate with Tony Wagner
Educator, author and researcher Tony Wagner offers his perspective and recommendations on how to engage communities around a Portrait of a Graduate and how to create alignment between key priorities, assessments, and learning experiences.
Project Springboard: intro to Portrait of a Graduate with Valerie Greenhill and Ted Dintersmith
Valerie Greenhill from Battelle for Kids and Ted Dintersmith, author and founder of What School Could Be, discuss the concept of a Portrait of a Graduate and how it can help schools set a vision and engage their community around reimagining their learning environments and experiences.
TPACK and more: presentation at Remote K12 summit
Associate Dean Punya Mishra presented TPACK & More at REMOTE K12: The Connected Teacher Summit, a one-day virtual summit hosted by ASU, designed for K-12 teachers and those that support and enable teachers in district public, charter and private schools.
Nepal: creativity, technology and design for learning (in STEM and beyond)
Associate Dean Punya Mishra gives a presentation for Kathmandu University, sharing the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and Five Spaces of Design frameworks and expanding on the need for better use of creativity, technology and design to improve STEM education and beyond.
2020 PIT Convening
Associate Dean Punya Mishra and geochemist Dr. Ariel Anbar were invited to be part of a panel on embedding humanistic values in STEM education, specifically focused on their recently concluded STEM-Futures project.
Teaching with technology: is TPACK still relevant?
Knowing how to teach with technologies is arguably more important now than ever before. The technological, pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) framework has become the world's most widely recognized way of understanding what teachers need to know in order to effectively integrate digital technologies to support learning.
Exploring next-generation education: K-12 trends that matter for 2021
Join thought leaders as they analyze, predict and dream of next-generation schools.
How will we learn in the future?
This video is a recording of the discussion between short story authors Simon Brown, Leigh Alexander, and Shiv Ramdas for the Future Tense Fiction: Learning Futures series.
Future Tense Fiction online discussion of “The Trolley Solution”
The discussion between short story author Shiv Ramdas and essay respondent Katina Michael, professor in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society and School of Computing, Informatics and Decision Systems Engineering at Arizona State University. Punya Mishra, professor and Associate Dean of Scholarship and Innovation at MLFC, served as moderator.
Future Tense Fiction online discussion of “The Void”
This video is a recording of the discussion between short story author Leigh Alexander and essay respondent Andrea K. Thomer, information scientist and assistant professor at the University of Michigan School of Information.
Interview with Donna Harraway
Donna Harraway is a renowned scholar working at the intersection of feminist theory, ecofeminism, science and technology. She is professor emerita at University of California Santa Cruz, in the History of Consciousness and Feminist Studies departments.
“Parasites of the Planet” by Valencia Clement
MLFC doctoral student Valencia Clement performs a poem she wrote about environmental justice. Her intention is to bring attention to issues such as police brutality, the housing crisis and climate change, while calling for accountability from those who benefit most. She reminds us we are all complicit so we must undertake the responsibility of healing these harms.
Future Tense Fiction online discussion of “Speaker”
This is a discussion between author Simon Brown and essay respondent Dr. Iveta Silova, Director of CASGE at Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation. Moderated by Dr. Punya Mishra, MLFC Associate Dean of Scholarship and Innovation.
Introduction: Designing Learning Futures
What is Learning Futures and why is it important? This screencast provides an overview of our Learning Futures work and explains the context for why we are focusing on designing the futures of learning through principled innovation.
Principled Innovation overview video
This brief overview will walk users through the Principled Innovation framework and explain in better detail the characters assets and components of PI that we use today.
Designing for Principled Innovation: part 1
Watch this screencast for a brief overview of Principled Innovation and design, and why these approaches are important for navigating our complex and ambiguous world. You’ll be introduced to our design process, which infuses the concepts of Principled Innovation into an approach for designing creative, thoughtful solutions to educational challenges.
Learning Futures through Principled Innovation and design, February 2020
Listen to Dr. Punya Mishra make a case for why principled innovation and design are critical approaches to addressing the challenges of education in the present and in the future.