Last year I was in Israel to present at the Meital Conference. When I was there I was interviewed by Lior Detal, the education correspondent for TheMarker – which led to an article in the magazine.
Earlier this year, once the COVID crisis was in full swing, I was contacted by a Lior once again to get my take on the current situation and its impact on education. This lead to another article in the magazine (you can read the Hebrew or the Arabic version). It appears that the article was positively received and I was invited to give a recorded keynote presentation for a conference (TheMaker Online Education Conference) being organized by the magazine.
The focus of the conference was on how this crisis could be seen as an unprecedented opportunity to lead change in education. (This is similar to the approach we have taken in the Silver Lining for Learning webinar series.) I was more than happy to provide my thoughts, in a talk titled: Education in a pandemic: A crisis (and possibly) an opportunity. The video is below: