Posts by Claire Gilbert

Easy as PI
By: Claire Gilbert
I’m very excited to announce that this week, we’ve launched our very first podcast, Slice of PI, wherever podcasts are consumed!

Retreat reflection
By: Claire Gilbert
It’s hard to believe it’s already the middle of December! Here in our office, we like to take the time to reflect on what we’ve accomplished at the end of the year.

So long, Christina, and thanks for all the contributions!
By: Jennifer Stein, Punya Mishra, Cassandra Kellaris, Benjamin Scragg, Lisa Wyatt and Claire Gilbert
Christina Ngo wrote a series of posts about her stint as a design strategist in OofSI. We thought it would be fitting that the Design Initiatives team respond in kind, by writing a post about her stay here and the impact it had on all of us—in ways small and large.

Coronado High School 2018-2019 summary
By: Claire Gilbert
As another school year ends, we’ve taken the time to talk with teachers at Coronado High School about their efforts to increase community involvement and student engagement at their school.

Miami Jr. High: the impact of innovation
By: Claire Gilbert
You never know what will capture a student’s attention and propel them towards certain careers.

Cross-staff update
By: Claire Gilbert
Our latest Cross-Staff design session was held last Friday, and two teams (the Communication, Collaboration and Climate (CCC) group and the Onboarding and Organizational Growth (O and OG) group) shared what they’ve discovered over the past few weeks.

SPRKs fly!
By: Claire Gilbert
Seeing kids get excited about technology is a uniquely fun experience. While tablets and smartphones are no longer novelties, the same can’t be said of robots. Specifically, robots driving through globs of paint—simply put, kids love it. (Who wouldn’t?)