Posts by Lisa Wyatt
A sparkle in their eyes
By: Lisa Wyatt
On the evening of September 9, pod A at Kyrene de las Manitas buzzed with activity as students showed off their new learning space in a newly launched prototype program.
So long, Christina, and thanks for all the contributions!
By: Lisa Wyatt, Claire Gilbert, Jennifer Stein, Punya Mishra, Cassandra Kellaris and Benjamin Scragg
Christina Ngo wrote a series of posts about her stint as a design strategist in OofSI. We thought it would be fitting that the Design Initiatives team respond in kind, by writing a post about her stay here and the impact it had on all of us—in ways small and large.
Teacher shortages
By: Lisa Wyatt
If teaching is so great, why is it so hard to find teachers?
Breaking down barriers
By: Lisa Wyatt
Over the last year, our Design Team at Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College has worked with Kyrene School District to imagine what is possible.
Miami Jr. High: roots a mile deep
By: Lisa Wyatt
As a gardener, I can tell you that staying at the surface of things doesn’t serve our plants well, and the same of our children. Students at Miami Junior High are getting the chance to grow deep roots.
Student teachers + design thinking = changemakers
By: Lisa Wyatt
MLFTC teacher candidates in the Washington Elementary School District created change this semester.
Dear student teachers
By: Lisa Wyatt
As part of a semester-long pilot program, ASU teacher candidates in the Washington district are using design thinking to address school challenges.
The blue kitten
By: Lisa Wyatt
Asking people to build index card towers tells you a lot about them.
Today’s changemakers: A big, big job
By: Lisa Wyatt
When MLFTC teacher candidates (a.k.a. student teachers) in Washington Elementary District came together on July 27, they were wide-eyed and unsure. What is design thinking, I could read their eyes saying, and why are we doing this?