Posts by Medha Dalal

What’s brewing in MLFC?


This spring, the Office of Scholarship and Innovation launched a series of informal gatherings of faculty and staff fueled by coffee and bagels.

SoTL resources from fall 2018


This past semester  OofSI (under the leadership of Clarin Collins) organized four sessions devoted to SoTL. The goal was to generate interest and foster conversation among faculty about studying their own practice.

Understanding IRB requirements with regard to SoTL


Erik Williams and his colleagues from the Office of Research Integrity joined us to talk about the IRB process for educational research, specifically classroom research.

SoTL workshop on design aspects


The 3rd of the four planned Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) meetings took place on Friday, 26th October.

Action Lab joins the SOTL conversation


This past Friday members of Action Lab (ALAB) and EdPlus joined MLFC faculty to extend the conversation around the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at the Teachers College.

Kickoff meeting for SoTL


A key part of the work we do in the Scholarly Initiatives team is supporting the wide range of scholarship conducted by faculty at the College.