From lab support to live educational producers, Educational Technology Champions exemplify their titles
After closing the doors on our network of IgnitED Labs at Poly, Tempe, and West, members of lab leadership were developing projects to keep our student workers, whom we call

Beware of science envy in designing the future of learning
By: Punya Mishra
Mike Crowley has a guest post on the silverliningforlearning.org site titled: If we need to be right before we move. (If you haven’t read it, I recommend it strongly. Go

Tipping point for online learning? or the postman always rings twice
By: Punya Mishra
Is the COVID-19 crisis the tipping point for online learning?

Our responsibility to our students and to each other
The other day I received a text message from my oldest daughter who is creating her best life in New York City. She’s an emerging adult who is living independently

Leadership perspective: a day with Cindy Mills at Porfirio H. Gonzales Elementary School
By: Kyle Wagner
As someone less familiar with the reality of working in an elementary school in Arizona, I was able to arrange a day to shadow a principal within the network of
Designing learning futures through reflective practice: 2 of 2
By: Punya Mishra and Cristy Guleserian
This is the second of two posts on the topic of bringing principled innovation practices to designing learning futures.
Designing learning futures through reflective practice: 1 of 2
By: Punya Mishra and Cristy Guleserian
This is the first of two posts on the topic of bringing principled innovation practices to designing learning futures.

Calling all student editors and reviewers!
By: Stephanie McBride-Schreiner
On hiatus since the fall of 2017, CIE is getting ready to relaunch in Spring of 2020. We are seeking students to serve on the editorial board

Designing theory: new article
By: Punya Mishra
Theory is of incredible importance to scholars and researchers. Theories allow us to understand, explain and predict phenomena in the world. That said it is often difficult to say just where theories come from.

Design-ception: designing a game of design
By: Kyle Wagner
Before you can build an education or training game, it’s important to figure out what the instructional goals and learning objectives need to be for your players.
Principled Innovation meets design: 1 new model and 2 videos
By: Punya Mishra
Our college has embraced the idea of Principled Innovation as being a core value that informs everything we do.

Move slow and nurture things: human-centered values in a disruptive world
By: Punya Mishra
Over the past few years I have struggled with some of the consequences of disruptive innovation and have come to distrust the jargon of creative destruction and disruption that has become the mantra of our time.

The power of protocols
By: Jennifer Stein
The word “protocol” has a somewhat rigid, almost clinical connotation for me, evoking a sense of strict rules, a process that must be followed, perhaps consequences if one does not. Yet in the last year or two, I have learned that protocols do not have to be that

Connecting early childhood educators with #emergingtech
Over 100 educators and future educators participated in the Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation Early Childhood Conference on Saturday, February 8.

The OofSI/PI 2019 report
By: Punya Mishra
We are a busy group here up on the 4th floor of the Farmer Educational Building—the space where the teams from the Office of Scholarship & Innovation and Principled Innovation hang out.