A visit to Israel
By: Punya Mishra
I just got back from a trip to Israel. I was invited by the MEITAL 2019 conference and the Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts. MEITAL is an organization of higher education institutions in Israel focusing on understanding and responding to local and global trends shaping the future of education.

You are here: a reflection of my experience at Stanford’s Designing Your Life studio
By: Hannah Scully
This is a special guest blog contribution from Hannah Scully. Hannah is an undergraduate Barrett Honors College student in the Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation and completed her Honors Thesis on design thinking and its use throughout education.

Ben and Christina’s excellent adventure to Columbus, Ohio
By: Christina Ngo
When you first see the title to this blog post, you might think that there’s not much to say about Columbus, Ohio… and what does it have to do with our team?

2good + 2be = 4gotten: see ya, CSI!
By: Christina Ngo
Last week, our seven Teacher Instructional Leaders (TILs) at Coronado High School had their last day before starting summer vacation. Besides writing HAGS (have a good summer) in their imaginary yearbooks, how did we leave things?

What’s brewing with wellness @ MLFC
By: Michele Gaines
Over the past year, the Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation has engaged in an integrated effort to focus on wellness.

What I learned from my time as a design fellow
By: Emili Cabrera
Six months ago, I was asked if I had any experience with the design process or design thinking during an interview. I really wanted this job, but I knew I wasn’t going to lie, so I said I had no clue.

Coronado High School 2018-2019 summary
By: Claire Gilbert
As another school year ends, we’ve taken the time to talk with teachers at Coronado High School about their efforts to increase community involvement and student engagement at their school.

Three big takeaways from a Design Fellow
By: Jake Winfield
Now that my classes are all finished, I’ve had a chance to think about what I’ve learned as an OofSI Design Fellow.

Grand challenges make for great discussion
I’m a little sad that we’re done facilitating a series of workshops with ASU’s College of Health Solutions (CHS). These sessions, intended to clarify some grand challenges that the College will work on for the next several years, produced some really interesting outcomes.

The School Design Game v 1.0
By: Punya Mishra
The journey of design is complicated, filled with conundrums —some expected, others not so much. There are many possible strategies to address them as we iterate our way to the finish line.

Teachers wanted: understanding and solving teacher shortages
By: Stephanie McBride-Schreiner
Teacher shortages are a very serious problem with very serious consequences. How can we expect children to learn and achieve if they do not have constant, qualified teachers?

Admins unite: a kumbaya moment for MLFC admins and support staff
We recently had our first Admin Meeting! This was the first opportunity for almost all Teachers College administrative and support staff to meet face to face. At first you may think, ok, so what’s the big deal? Why is this so exciting?

Instructors prepare to teach students with Canvas
The ASU community is in the midst of a transition from Blackboard to Canvas. Some instructors have already adapted to the new learning management system while others are still in the process of migrating what may be years of content over to the new platform.

Design Initiatives goes to San Diego: part 4
By: Jennifer Stein
During our team’s fourth and final February visit to San Diego, I had the privilege of being part of the MLFC team that attended the two-day event, held at High Tech High’s Graduate School of Education.