Design Initiatives goes to San Diego: part 3


In the third installment of the Design team traveling to San Diego, Christina talks about her experiences at the Ashoka U Conference!

What’s brewing?: exploring artificial intelligence in education


A cross-section of participants that included staff, faculty, and students discussed the possibilities and implications related to artificial intelligence (AI) in education during the latest What’s Brewing? session.

Design Initiatives goes to San Diego: part 2


On Tuesday 2/12, I jumped back over to San Diego for my second visit in a week to “America’s Finest City.” This time, I went to join a convening of

Breaking down barriers


Over the last year, our Design Team at Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation has worked with Kyrene School District to imagine what is possible.

Design Initiatives goes to San Diego: part 1


On Tuesday 2/5 and Wednesday 2/6, my colleague Jennifer Stein and I traveled to La Jolla, California for the Higher Ed Innovators and Disruptors: Social Mobility & Student Success Conference, which was organized by the Student Retention and Success team at UC San Diego.

EPAA still going strong


Education Policy Analysis Archives (EPAA), MLFC’s open access, trilingual journal of education policy, recently earned some high marks from its readers, authors, and reviewers.

Playing is learning with emerging technologies


Represenatives of the Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation IgnitED Labs had the privilege of sharing emerging technology experiences with community members on three Saturdays in February as part of ASU’s Open Door events.

Technology and education: a provocation


Jill Castek, at the University of Arizona, invited me to participate in an NSF funded workshop on developing “Principles for the equitable design of STEM learning environments.

International teachers experience IgnitED Lab


Teachers from eight different countries spent some time as learners in the MLFC Tempe IgnitED Lab on February 13.

Keynote at MITE 2019, Sydney (video)


I was recently invited to present a Keynote at the Mobile Technology in Teacher Education (MITE) 2019 Conference hosted by The University of Technology, Sydney.

Miami Jr. High: the impact of innovation


You never know what will capture a student’s attention and propel them towards certain careers.

What’s brewing in MLFC?


This spring, the Office of Scholarship and Innovation launched a series of informal gatherings of faculty and staff fueled by coffee and bagels.

Celebrating MLFC doctoral student research


This year, the Office of Scholarship & Innovation (OofSI) partnered with TCDC, and some of our 2018 MLFC internal grant recipients kicked off the conference with a poster session to discuss their on-going research projects with graduate students, faculty, and other attendees.

Coming together to improve rural education


As a Design Fellow with the OofSI Design Initiatives team, I had the opportunity to support a kick-off event for the Arizona Rural Education Collaborative on Friday, January 18th at ASU Skysong.

Research support available all-around!


The second “What’s Brewing in MLFC?” series featured a scholarship and research resource open house. A handful of representatives from offices within MLFC and ASU at large were invited to provide some tips & tricks, as well as highlight some aspects of their work that may not be commonly known.