Category: Design

What I learned from my time as a design fellow
By: Emili Cabrera
Six months ago, I was asked if I had any experience with the design process or design thinking during an interview. I really wanted this job, but I knew I wasn’t going to lie, so I said I had no clue.

Coronado High School 2018-2019 summary
By: Claire Gilbert
As another school year ends, we’ve taken the time to talk with teachers at Coronado High School about their efforts to increase community involvement and student engagement at their school.

Three big takeaways from a Design Fellow
By: Jake Winfield
Now that my classes are all finished, I’ve had a chance to think about what I’ve learned as an OofSI Design Fellow.

The School Design Game v 1.0
By: Punya Mishra
The journey of design is complicated, filled with conundrums —some expected, others not so much. There are many possible strategies to address them as we iterate our way to the finish line.

Admins unite: a kumbaya moment for MLFC admins and support staff
We recently had our first Admin Meeting! This was the first opportunity for almost all Teachers College administrative and support staff to meet face to face. At first you may think, ok, so what’s the big deal? Why is this so exciting?

Design Initiatives goes to San Diego: part 4
By: Jennifer Stein
During our team’s fourth and final February visit to San Diego, I had the privilege of being part of the MLFC team that attended the two-day event, held at High Tech High’s Graduate School of Education.

Design Initiatives goes to San Diego: part 3
By: Christina Ngo
In the third installment of the Design team traveling to San Diego, Christina talks about her experiences at the Ashoka U Conference!

Design Initiatives goes to San Diego: part 2
By: Benjamin Scragg
On Tuesday 2/12, I jumped back over to San Diego for my second visit in a week to “America’s Finest City.” This time, I went to join a convening of

Breaking down barriers
By: Lisa Wyatt
Over the last year, our Design Team at Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation has worked with Kyrene School District to imagine what is possible.

Design Initiatives goes to San Diego: part 1
By: Benjamin Scragg
On Tuesday 2/5 and Wednesday 2/6, my colleague Jennifer Stein and I traveled to La Jolla, California for the Higher Ed Innovators and Disruptors: Social Mobility & Student Success Conference, which was organized by the Student Retention and Success team at UC San Diego.

Miami Jr. High: the impact of innovation
By: Claire Gilbert
You never know what will capture a student’s attention and propel them towards certain careers.

Coming together to improve rural education
By: Emili Cabrera
As a Design Fellow with the OofSI Design Initiatives team, I had the opportunity to support a kick-off event for the Arizona Rural Education Collaborative on Friday, January 18th at ASU Skysong.

Cross staff design – one team’s next iteration
By: Jake Winfield
Our design team has been facilitating the ongoing cross staff initiatives to improve MLFC, which involves bringing an intrapreneurial, design approach to addressing problems that staff in the college experience.

Coronado Success Initiative: excellent adventures, home visits, and non-academic clubs, oh my!
By: Christina Ngo
All I can say is that without these innovative changemakers, we’d be “in danger of flunking most heinously tomorrow.”

One size doesn’t fit all and get a robot to do it – a conversation with Dr. Yong Zhao
By: Christina Ngo
Last week, Dr. Yong Zhao gave a talk at the MU titled “What Works May Hurt: Side Effects in Education”. Our office scored the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Zhao and just talk.