My journey with the Office of Scholarship and Innovation
By: Kyle Wagner
Former design strategist and project Manager Kyle Wagner shares his experience working on our team and details his personal journey with the Office of Scholarship and Innovation.

Ed Leadership partners with Mesa Public Schools using Leadership Pathways with Principled Innovation
By: Eoline Cary and Terri McCoy
Starting Fall 2021, Ed Leadership has embedded their Leadership Pathways master’s degree program into the Mesa Public Schools with ASU staff to support and coach aspiring leaders in the district.

Project Springboard may be over, but these educators are just getting started
By: Jennifer Stein and Cassandra Kellaris
Over 160 educators, leaders and community members engaged in Project Springboard from spring to summer of 2021, spanning across the US, Canada and Australia. The project wrapped up in August with a final online session, and we have created a report that summarizes the experience, outcomes and feedback we received. A common theme was the value of connecting with like-minded educators from across the world, especially during the challenges of COVID.

Meeting people where they are: identity, diversity, and peer review
By: Stephanie McBride-Schreiner and Ivonne Lujano Vilchis
“Identity in Peer Review”, is the theme of Peer Review Week 2021, a virtual community-led yearly global event during September 20-24. This thematic focus shines a light on the multifaceted role of identity in the peer review process and what is needed to foster more diverse, equitable, and inclusive peer review practices.

Who is imagining Learning Futures in the anthropocene?
By: Iveta Silova
Policy discussions about learning futures often take place without those who will be living those very futures – that is, without children and youth who are routinely left out of the future visioning exercises and policy making decisions.

Value Laden: a new podcast about ethical leadership
By: Punya Mishra
What is the role of values and principles in educational leadership? What can we learn from inspirational educational leaders? How did they develop their moral/ethical compass, and more importantly, how do they bring these perspectives to the work that they do?

Project Springboard: launching a new collaboration
By: Jennifer Stein
As the U.S. began to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic this spring, the calls for schools to find ways to learn from the crisis — to not simply return to the pre-pandemic “normal” — have come from many directions. Yet for schools and educational institutions that have just been through the most challenging year in recent history and are still managing the day-to-day work of running schools and educating students in an ongoing pandemic, this is no simple task.

Research support mini-grants available
By: Clarin Collins
The Office of Scholarship and Innovation has expanded the internal grants program to include research support mini-grants. The mini-grant program is a recurring monthly opportunity for faculty to receive funds

Learning Futures: Designing the Horizon keynote address
By: Sean Leahy
Revisit the keynote for the 2021 ShapingEDU Winter Games, a story of uncertainty, disruption, and resilience. See how we define learning futures, tackle the challenge of designing educational systems, explore strategic foresight tools, and build an ecosystem if resilience into our IgnitED Labs.

Designing STEAM
By: Punya Mishra
Danah Henriksen and I were recently invited to present a keynote (and conduct two workshops) on design thinking and STEAM education at the 2021 NV STEAM conference, organized by the Nevada Museum of Art and Desert Research Institute.

Shaping the future of learning, one publication at a time
By: Stephanie McBride-Schreiner
How might educators, learning designers, and education leaders help to find the right solutions that will spur student engagement, inclusion, and success?

STEM Futures at AAAS
By: Punya Mishra
ASU recently hosted, what is known as, the world’s largest scientific gathering, the annual conference of the American Association of the Advancement of Science.

Designing an engaging online learning experience for continuous improvement practices
By: Kyle Wagner
In late 2019, the OofSI team was approached by Access ASU and Be A Leader Foundation about an opportunity to provide training to a group of newly hired coaches who would be working with schools in multiple school districts.

Pausing for Innovation Week, 2020
By: Mikayla Madjidi
The Principled Innovation team presented a tailored version of their The Power of Pausing: Reflection for Personal and Professional Transformation to the attendees of their Innovation Week workshop on December 10th, 2020.

Educator-to-educator: digitally sharing learning at ISTE Live 2020
What was supposed to be an in-person presentation in Anaheim, CA earlier this year evolved into a virtual session during ISTE 20 Live.